

大三巴网赌下注提供许多滑雪和单板滑雪项目的训练营,包括高山滑雪, Backcountry, Freestyle, Ski Cross, and Snowboard disciplines. These training camps are for competitive student-athletes. 无论是在世界级的甜面包山训练场地的雪地训练营, or a camp at training venues around the world, CVA提供个性化的教练,以准备运动员的身体和精神在他们的个人最好的竞争.

Alpine Camps

大三巴网赌下注自豪地在甜面包山和世界各地的训练场地提供各种高山赛车训练营. 夏令营为学生运动员在比赛中获得领先优势提供了坚实的基础. 我们邀请来自任何俱乐部的学生运动员来美国最好的教练那里学习, make friends, and enjoy the CVA experience.

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  • Norway Alpine Summer Camp 2024

    这个独特的体验提供了9天最好的雪在朱瓦斯夏季滑雪训练, Norway for the emerging U12 & U14 athletes with prior racing experience. This glacier, 6 hours north of Oslo, 是挪威国家队和许多其他斯堪的纳维亚球队和滑雪俱乐部的训练基地吗. The camp will focus on fundamental skills, Slalom and Giant Slalom technical and tactical elements, with daily video and individualized evaluations. 在CVA学院和周末项目之外的运动员应该在注册之前联系Jon Wagner或Ron Bonnevie,并且需要从他们当前的比赛项目中获得教练的推荐.

    Birth Years: 2010-2014
    Cost: $2,850* 
    Program Dates: June 23 - July 4, 2024
    *Airfare to be paid separately through Winter Park Travel. Projected cost is $1300.

    Norway Alpine Summer Camp Flier

    Norway Alpine Summer Camp Registration

    For more information, contact:
    Jon Wagner 508-274-9713
    Ron Bonnevie 207-491-7134

    Cancellation Policy: 出发前30天提交的取消将被考虑部分退款. 最多可保留20%,用于支付与旅行相关的行政费用和不可收回的费用.
  • Alpine Immersion Program 2024-2025

    CVA高山浸入式课程支持青少年滑雪比赛的进步,在一个有趣和安全的环境中培养对这项运动的终身热爱. 浸入式课程利用基础的滑雪课程来培养技能和习惯,为将来在滑雪比赛中取得成功. 每节课都包括学生运动员的学习时间,以保持对学术的重视. CVA高山浸入式项目是一个很好的机会,让赛车手快速提高,并确定他们是否准备好采取下一步并加入学院.

    Birth Years: 2011-2014
    Location: Carrabassett Valley Academy and Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine

    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy:
  • Alpine FullStrive Program 2024-2025

    The CVA FullStrive Program is designed to supplement the  weekend program. FullStrive的每个课程都侧重于基础训练,入门训练和视频回顾.

    Birth Years: 2011-2014
    Location: Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine
    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy: 在课程开始前15天提交的取消将被考虑部分退款,具体取决于与营地相关的行政和不可收回的费用.

Backcountry Camps

CVA Backcountry是初高中学生野外滑雪和单板滑雪教育的领导者. 我们提供非雪道滑雪技巧、雪崩教育和滑雪登山营地. 

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  • Backcountry Camp 2025

    加入美国唯一的学院项目,在那里年轻运动员可以沉浸在偏远的环境中学习至关重要的技能,终身热爱山区. Learn about equipment, technique, avalanche assessment, and strategies for ski mountaineering expeditions. 
    Birth Years: 2005-2011
    Location: Sugarloaf Mountain, Carrabassett Valley, Maine

    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy: 在课程开始前15天提交的取消申请将考虑部分退款,具体取决于与营地相关的行政和不可收回的费用.

Freestyle Camps

如果你是一名对滑雪或自由滑雪(公园和管道)感兴趣的运动员,那么CVA训练营就是为你准备的. 随着自由式滑雪运动的发展,这些学生运动员的训练方式也在不断发展. With a focus on development and performance, CVA提供训练营,以帮助自由泳学生运动员达到最佳表现.

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  • Freestyle Moguls Camp 2025

    CVA雪上雪橇营提供为期3天的雪地和旱地训练,利用糖块山的B雪上雪橇训练场地和卡拉巴塞特山谷的反重力综合室内蹦床. Athletes will have the opportunity to fine-tune turns and lines, achieve more speed, 在集中的训练环境中提高跳跃时的姿势和平衡. 运动员将有专门的学习时间来完成他们家乡学校的作业, and lunch will be provided daily.

    Birth Years: 2008-2011
    Location: Sugarloaf Mountain, Carrabassett Valley, Maine

    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy:

Snowboard Camps

More than 25 years ago, CVA是第一个专门为滑雪板运动员开发项目的学院,并继续成为领先的滑雪板学院之一. 我们的学生运动员参加单板越野比赛,滑雪板高山比赛和自由式比赛. Our camps teach solid fundamentals and correct techniques, 让学生运动员在缅因州的甜面包山骑马时建立信心.

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  • Snowboard Racing Camp 2025


    与学院教练和前美国滑雪板赛车队成员,Sasha Jansujwicz ' 24一起训练. Join our Waxing Workshop with Chuck Gerry, waxing technician assisting the U.S. Snowboard Team, 并在Sugarloaf的USASA缅因山地系列赛GS/SL比赛中与CVA教练支持竞争.

    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy: 在课程开始前15天提交的取消申请将考虑部分退款,具体取决于与营地相关的行政和不可收回的费用.

Ski Cross Camps

与在世界舞台上竞争的CVA学院学生运动员一起训练. CVA is the top Ski Cross program in the East, featuring an Olympian-designed cross course, the rugged terrain of Sugarloaf Mountain, and a world-class coaching team.

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  • SX Training Camp 2025

    在缅因州的甜面包山与CVA滑雪十字营的竞争中获得一个良好的开端. Train with Academy coaches on one of the best courses in the East. Focus on the technical progression of ski cross skills, gate training, and start and mid-course feature training. 在我们世界级的教练组的指导下,参加在Sugarloaf举行的USASA缅因山系列SX/BX活动,完成这一周.
    Location: Sugarloaf Mountain, Carrabassett Valley, Maine

    More information is coming soon.

    Cancellation Policy: 在课程开始前15天提交的取消申请将考虑部分退款,具体取决于与营地相关的行政和不可收回的费用.
大三巴网赌下注禁止歧视或骚扰任何成员或基于年龄的团体, gender, race, color, religion, disability,  categories sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, genetic predisposition, ancestry or other categories protected by Maine or federal law. CVA在其录取程序的管理中不会基于这些基础进行歧视, scholarship and aid programs, educational policies, athletics, or other school-administered programs.
©2020 Carrabassett Valley Academy